In this series, we have been exploring negative self-talk and the inner critic. As a quick reminder, my last couple of videos were about what negative self-talk is, and how it holds us back. Because, as you probably know, dwelling on it can hurt your progress during your self-growth journey.
That said, while negative self-talk is a challenging obstacle, it’s important to remember that it is also no more than an obstacle. Meaning, it is not a roadblock, and cannot truly stop you from deeper growth if you do not allow it to. Instead, you can be the one to stop it in its tracks.
Of course, there are a few steps between coping with negative self-talk and actually shrinking its place in your mind. So, what is that first step toward overcoming negative self-talk?
Watch the 2 1/2 minute video below to find out.
Until next time, wishing you more clarity, ease, and joy!
Hi, I'm Pamela, and I specialize in emotional well-being, improving clarity, self-confidence, work-life integration, and navigating decision-making and challenging situations with greater ease.