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Doing versus Being: Making Changes That Last

As we make our way to the end of this series on doing versus being, you might still be thinking about the last topic I addressed - about how to truly let go of a life of busyness.

You could even be struggling to reconnect with yourself and live a life that reflects your values. Even if you’re clear on what you care about, the habits that get you there might seem almost out of reach. This is totally normal, and it’s simply an obstacle, not a barrier.

Creating new habits to replace our old patterns takes time and practice, and there is a lot of trial and error involved. Guilt, discomfort, and pushback from others can all arise as you go through this process, making it seem like these changes are bad or maybe wrong. But they’re not - they’re just new and different.

Creating this kind of change in your life is like building a muscle that hasn’t been flexed for a long time: it will challenge you, but it will make you stronger. You’ve already made progress by acknowledging where your life needs to change, and deciding to take action that honors yourself.

As you continue to let your authentic self shine through, and live a life that reflects who you are, there are many small steps you can take to make sure you keep your newfound commitments.

So how can you keep working that muscle, and get more accustomed to honoring those commitments to yourself?

Watch the video here to learn more.

As your health and emotional empowerment coach I can help you put yourself first without guilt, set healthy boundaries, define what's holding you back emotionally to have the fitness and life you desire, beat the path of resistance long-term, take control of your health and life, develop and track your individual-tailored wellness goals. Together, we will ensure you establish a happier, healthier way of life no matter what life throws at you. Go to to schedule a complimentary 15-Minute Discovery Call. Also accepting applications now for the Ultimate YOU Accountability Group℠, for those who want to be consistent and successful with their own self-care. Call 804-313-9007 for more info. This is available for people locally and remotely.


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