If you are a high achiever, you are someone who certainly has a lot to give and to offer the world. But that can often mean, in turn, that you also have a hard time accepting help, much less asking for it in the first place. Maybe you can identify with how uncomfortable it feels to even think about asking for help when you’re used to doing everything on your own. It’s interesting, because odds are good that you’re usually the first one to offer help to people you care about. But that is a huge part of what makes it hard for you to reach out and ask for help in the first place. You might be wondering what it is that makes it so difficult for you to ask others to help you. Everyone’s reasons are different, but they all have similar patterns.
To learn more, watch the video here.
As your health and emotional empowerment coach I can help you put yourself first without guilt, set healthy boundaries, define what's holding you back emotionally to have the fitness and life you desire, beat the path of resistance long-term, take control of your health and life, develop and track your individual-tailored wellness goals. Together, we will ensure you establish a happier, healthier way of life no matter what life throws at you. Go to https://pamelabiascalosada.as.me/15MinuteDiscoveryCall to schedule a complimentary 15-Minute Discovery Call.Also accepting applications now for the Ultimate YOU Accountability Group℠, for those who want to be consistent and successful with their own self-care. Call 804-313-9007 for more info. This is available for people locally and remotely.