Pamela Biasca Losada Health Coach coaches clients to not only help individuals to develop new routine habits tailored to their needs, but to also achieve them successfully and quickly. We recently interviewed Peter Larsen.
Pamela: Why is healthy lifestyle important to you?
Peter: “The impact this routine has on me is that I feel so good after I do this, and every time I sit up in a chair, in the car, at work, each time I remember the sit-ups exercise. I feel the hardness of my abs, and pat myself on the back for creating and sustaining this routine. This self-appreciation helps me remain mentally fit, as well as physically fit.”
Pamela: How do you accomplish your goals?
Peter: “I use an iPhone app that tracks sit-up and pushup activity to keep me on track with my goals, and even tells me when when it’s been more than 5 days since my last workout! That kind of accountability really helps me be consistent.
I consistently do 50-60 push-ups and 50-60 sit-ups every few days. I do this exercise to specifically focus on my core. I feel most other areas of my body are awesome, just focusing on the gut. I do the push-ups and the sit ups while the TV is on. I choose carefully what is on, making sure it’s an action-adventure movie, TV show, or something high energy. That keeps me pushing myself to achieve my goals.”
For more information about the services Pamela Biasca Losada offers, visit: www.pamelabiascalosada.com/services or call at 804.313.9007.