for High Achievers
by Pamela Biasca Losada
I’m excited that you now have access to this gift to help you de-stress and feel more relaxed. Let me share a bit about myself first…I’ve been practicing meditation for 10+ years. Over time I found a few guided meditations I liked and felt the relaxation effect. But often quieting the mind...not engaging the mind was more the focus, and it wasn’t easy, and when it worked it usually had more of a short-term benefit.
Then when 2+ years ago I discovered Immersive Guided Meditation I got to experience the right-to-the-core deep-dive and it became my go-to. Why?
Because when I want to feel relaxed AND also want to go straight into how I feel or think, what I want or need, or what the next best step is for me...Immersive Guided Meditation allows me to do just that….EVERY SINGLE TIME!
People often ask me: “Why is this different? Or say things like “I’ve already tried meditation and I can’t stop my mind from wandering. It doesn’t work for me.” Or “I don’t have the time for this”, or “I can’t turn off my mind”.

I get it, those are things that many experience, YET...Immersive Guided Meditation is different because you don’t focus on eliminating your thoughts, you are not clearing your mind. Instead, you aim to untangle and explore your thoughts to help you move forward with clarity and make optimal decisions. In this process you are guided, so you don't have to figure out how to make this happen on your own.
Ultimately, we all need to be connected to our inner wisdom, our inner truth and find our innate compass. Because THAT’s where the gold is. And that’s what I want for you. For over two decades I’ve been working in the wellness industry and in human behavior and this method has become an ESSENTIAL component in my coaching and guided meditation practice, as it’s one of the BEST things that I’ve come across in my career.

Because when you lead from this place of deep inner knowing and alignment with your
clear vision and core values, there’s really no more room for overthinking, ruminating, self-doubt and distractions. It’s just you...showing up, speaking up, and making decisions with confidence, and feeling at ease. And from that place, you feel more fulfilled, joyful, and empowered!
If you want to learn more about how to tap into YOUR inner guidance, please make sure to check out my service page HERE. The place where you can begin your journey of deep insights, clarity and inspired action.
Okay, high achiever, now let’s jump to the Stress-Relief Audio. Just press the PLAY button below and listen to it as often as you wish… the more the better. 😉
Quick tips for a better experience:
Choose a quiet place with no distractions
Turn off all notifications on your devices
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down
Use headphones or earphones
And if you feel like you don’t have 15 minutes…make this time:
While parked in the car before entering a building, your home or picking up your kids
In between meetings and/or tasks
On your commute if using public transportation or if you aren’t the driver
Before going to bed or first thing in the morning
….no more excuses, right?😀

I’m so excited for you to listen to this audio, I hope you’ll enjoy it. And, I’d love to chat and learn what you liked most.
You can send me a message about it and connect with me on LinkedIn or IG. You can also book a 20-minute call HERE.
Until we connect, wishing you more clarity, ease, and joy!